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Joe Morris

A work in progress
by Rick Lopez.

Begat September 26, 2000

UPDATE November 9, 2013

Joe Morris at Vision Fest, New York City, May 2000.
Photo copyright © Susan O'Connor.
Reproduced with permission.

The Deep Digging;
The Incantations;

The Inspirations;
All These Words...

  • Thanks to those who've helped.

Joe Morris in conversation with Ken Vandermark (January 11, 2006).
Extensive INTERVIEW with an enormous amount of information on Morris' early years.

Session-by-session listing:

  • 1983.02.28 / Joe Morris Trio: Wraparound (Riti) + 83.03.17
  • 1983.03.17 / Joe Morris Trio: Wraparound (Riti)
  • 1985.05.11 / Joe Morris Quartet: Graffiti In Two Parts (RogueArt)
  • 1985.12.00 / Joe Morris Trio: Human Rites (Riti) + 86.04.00; 87.12.30
  • 1986.04.00 / Joe Morris Trio: Human Rites (Riti)
  • 1987.12.30 / Joe Morris Trio: Human Rites (Riti)
  • 1988.09.15 / Joe Morris Trio: Sweatshop (Riti) + 88.10.01; 89.10.10; 90.01.15
  • 1988.10.01 / Joe Morris Trio: Sweatshop (Riti)
  • 1989.10.10 / Joe Morris Trio: Sweatshop (Riti)
  • 1990.01.15 / Joe Morris Trio: Sweatshop (Riti)
  • 1991.07.28 / Various Artists: Live at the Knitting Factory, Volume 5 (Knitting Factory)
    • Various Artists: Live at the Knitting Factory (Knitting Factory)
  • 1992.00.00 / Joe Morris Trio: Flip and Spike (Riti)
  • 1992.06.28 / Rob Brown º Whit Dickey º Joe Morris: Youniverse (Riti)
  • 1993.06.12 / Joe Morris Trio: Symbolic Gestures (Soul Note)
  • 1993.06.26 / Joe Morris: Racket Club (About Time)
  • 1993.11.09 / Joe Morris & Rob Brown Quartet: Illuminate (Leo Records)
  • 1995.04.07 / Joe Morris: No Vertigo (Leo)
  • 1995.04.10 / Joe Morris Quartet: You Be Me (Soul Note)
  • 1995.10.00 / Maneri º Morris º Maneri: Three Men Walking (ECM Records) + 95.11.00
  • 1995.11.00 / Maneri º Morris º Maneri: Three Men Walking (ECM Records)
  • 1995.11.05 / Maneri º Morris º Maneri: Out Right Now (hat HUT)
  • 1996.02.26 / Joe Morris Ensemble: Elsewhere (Homestead)
  • 1996.06.00 / Joe Morris º Ken Vandermark º Hans Poppel: Like Rays (Knitting Factory)
  • 1996.06.14 / Hession º Wilkinson º Fell + Morris: Registered Firm (Incus)
  • 1996.10.00 / Ivo Perelman Duo featuring Joe Morris: Strings (Leo Records)
  • 1997.01.10 / Joe Morris º William Parker: Invisible Weave (No More Records)
  • 1997.01.23 / Matthew Shipp º Joe Morris: Thesis (hat HUT)
  • 1997.04.00 / Ivo Perelman Duo featuring Joe Morris: Strings (Leo Records)
  • 1997.07.05 / Joe Morris Trio: Antennae (AUM Fidelity) + 97.07.06
  • 1997.07.06 / Joe Morris Trio: Antennae (AUM Fidelity)
  • 1998.04.30 / Joe Morris with DKV Trio: Deep Telling (Okkadisk)
  • 1998.06.26 / Joe Morris Quartet: A Cloud of Blackbirds (AUM Fidelity)
  • 1999.02.05 / Joe Morris: Many Rings (Knitting Factory)
  • 1999.03.18 / Joe Morris Quartet: Underthru (OmniTone)
    • Various Artists: OmniTone 2001: An OmniTone Odyssey (OmniTone)
  • 1999.08.17 / Joe Morris + Mat Maneri: [soul search] (AUM Fidelity)
  • 1999.08.19 / Eugene Chadbourne: Guitar Festival Summer 1999 (Leo Records) + 99.08.20, 99.08.21, and 99.08.22
  • 1999.08.20 / Eugene Chadbourne: Guitar Festival Summer 1999 (Leo Records)
  • 1999.08.21 / Eugene Chadbourne: Guitar Festival Summer 1999 (Leo Records)
  • 1999.08.22 / Eugene Chadbourne: Guitar Festival Summer 1999 (Leo Records)
  • 1999.11.06 / Joe Morris Quartet: at the Old Office (Knitting Factory)
  • 1999.11.20 / Whit Dickey: Big Top (Wobbly Rail)
  • 1999.12.14 / Chadbourne º Dresser º Ibarra º Morris: Pain Pen (Avant)
  • 2000.05.10 / Joe Morris: Singularity (AUM Fidelity)
  • 2000.08.07 / Lantner º Maneri º Morris: Voices Lowered (Leo Records)
  • 2001.12.09 / Steve Lantner Trio: Saying So (Riti)
  • 2001.12.12 / William Parker º Joe Morris º Hamid Drake: Eloping with the Sun (Riti)
  • 2002.01.20 / Joe Morris: Age of Everything (Riti)
  • 2002.02.17 / Whit Dickey: Trio Ahxoloxha (Riti)
  • 2002.11.17 / Daniel Levin Quartet: Don't Go It Alone (Riti Records)
  • 2003.02.00 / Skull Session: Rise Above (Skycap Records)
  • 2003.02.08 / Whit Dickey Quartet: Coalescence (Clean Feed Records)
  • 2003.02.15 / Joe Morris Quartet: Beautiful Existence (Clean Feed Records) + 2003.02.16
  • 2003.02.16 / Joe Morris Quartet: Beautiful Existence (Clean Feed Records)
  • 2003.08.08 / Dennis González Boston Project: No Photograph Available (Clean Feed Records)
  • 2003.10.18 / Dennis Gonzalez: Songs Of Early Autumn (NoBusiness Records)
  • 2004.00.00 / Steve Lantner Trio: Blue Yonder (Skycap Records)
  • 2004.06.19 / Natural History: Fur (Skycap Records)
  • 2004.07.13 / Rob Brown Quartet: Radiant Pools (RogueArt)
  • 2004.10.15 / Joe Morris Quartet: Beautiful Existence (Clean Feed Records)
  • 2004.11.10 / Whit Dickey Ensemble: Sacred Ground (Clean Feed Records)
  • 2004.11.11 / Whit Dickey Ensemble: In a Heartbeat (Clean Feed Records)
  • 2005.03.27 / Daniel Levin Quartet: Some Trees (Hat hut)
  • 2005.12.11 / Steve Lantner Trio: What you can throw (Hat hut)
  • 2005.12.00 / Steve Lantner Quartet: Paradise Road (Skycap Records)
  • 2006.01.05 / Right Hemisphere: Right Hemisphere (RogueArt)
  • 2006.01.12 / Morris, Vandermark, Gray: Rebus (Clean Feed)
  • 2006.05.03 / Golia, Josephson, Kaiser, Morris... : Healing Force—The Songs Of Albert Ayler (Cuneiform Records)
  • 2006.06.03 / Daniel Levin Quartet: Blurry (Hat hut)
  • 2006.06.19 / Joe Morris & Barre Phillips: Elm City Duets (Clean Feed)
  • 2007.01.07 / Steve Lantner Quartet: Given Live in Münster (Hat Hut Records)
  • 2007.01.14 / Lowe, Ho Bynum, Morris, Obeng: The Othertet (Engine Records)
  • 2007.01.30 / Anthony Braxton & Joe Morris: Four Improvisations (Duo) 2007 (Clean Feed) + 07.01.31
  • 2007.01.31 / Anthony Braxton & Joe Morris: Four Improvisations (Duo) 2007 (Clean Feed)
  • 2007.02.03 / Cancura, Morris, Nazary: Fine Objects (Not Two Records)
  • 2007.00.00 / Matthew Shipp Trio: Piano Vortex (Thirsty Ear)
  • 2007.06.20 / William Parker & The Little Huey Creative Music Orchestra: Double Sunrise Over Neptune (Aum Fidelity)
  • 2007.06.22 / Alexandre Pierrepont & Mike Ladd: Maison Hantee (RogueArt)
  • 2007.06.28 / Jim Hobbs, Joe Morris, Luther Gray: The Story of Mankind (Not Two Records)
  • 2007.07.12 / Hamid Drake & Bindu: Blissful (RogueArt) + 07.07.13
  • 2007.07.13 / Hamid Drake & Bindu: Blissful (RogueArt)
  • 2007.12.15 / Joe Morris Bass Quartet: High Definition (Hat Hut Records)
  • 2008.00.00 (1) / Matthew Shipp Trio: Harmonic Disorder (Thirsty Ear)
  • 2008.00.00 (2) / Melée + Joe Morris: Cloud Atlas Quartet (Editions Brokenresearch)
  • 2008.00.00 (3) / Joe Morris º John Voigt º Tom Plsek: MVP LSD (Riti Records)
  • 2008.01.31 / Matthew Shipp Quartet: Cosmic Suite (Not Two Records)
  • 2008.03.16 / Joe Morris: Wildlife (Aum Fidelity)
  • 2008.03.23 / Joe Morris: Atmosphere (KMB Jazz)
  • 2008.05.09 / David S. Ware: Shakti (AUM Fidelity)
  • 2008.05.18 / Morris, Fell, Ward: The Necessary and the Possible (Victo)
  • 2008.08.13 / Joe Morris & Nate Wooley: Tooth And Nail (Clean Feed Records)
  • 2008.10.04 / Flow Trio: Rejuvenation (ESP Records)
  • 2008.11.23 / Noah Kaplan Quartet: Descendants (Hatology)
  • 2009.00.00 / Joe Morris, Chris Riggs, Ben Hall: Glass Key (Broken Research)
  • 2009.04.07 / Joe Morris & Luther Gray: Creatures (Not Two Records)
  • 2009.04.24 / Flow Trio: Set Theory, Live at the Stone (Ayler Records)
  • 2009.05.12 / Joe Morris: Colorfield (ESP Records)
  • 2009.06.17 / Joe Morris Quartet: Today On Earth (Aum Fidelity)
  • 2009.07.26 / M. Allen, M. Shipp, J. Morris: Night Logic (RogueArt)
  • 2009.08.07 / Ramon Lopez Freedom NOW Septet: Valencia (Xabia Jazz) + 2009.08.08
  • 2009.08.08 / Ramon Lopez Freedom NOW Septet: Valencia (Xabia Jazz)
  • 2009.11.01 / Bevan, Morris, Buck, Lash: Tony-Joe Bucklash (Foghorn Records)
  • 2009.11.11 / Taylor Ho Bynum, Joe Morris, Sara Schoenbeck: Next (Porter Records)
  • 2010.01.03 / Stephen Haynes Trio: Parrhesia (Engine Records)
  • 2010.02.13 / Joe Morris: Sensor (No Business Records)
  • 2010.02.17 / Matthew Shipp & Joe Morris: Broken Partials (Not Two Records)
  • 2010.04.03 / Joe Morris: Camera (ESP Records)
  • 2010.09.20 / Ivo Perelman Quartet: The Hour of the Star (Leo Records)
  • 2010.10.20 / Joe Morris & Augusti Fernandez: Ambrosia (Riti Records)
  • 2010.10.24 / Joe Morris, Petr Cancura, Luther Gray: Traits (Riti Records)
  • 2011.05.22 / Didier Petit & Alexandre Pierrepont: Passages, A Road Record—Woodstock, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles (RogueArt)
  • 2011.06.17 / Joe Morris º William Parker º Gerald Cleaver: Altitude (AUM Fidelity)
  • 2011.07.00 / Ingebrigt Hâker Flaten NY Quartet: Now Is (Clean Feed)
  • 2011.07.14 / Joe Morris, Agustí Fernandez, Nate Wooley: From The Discrete To The Particular (Relative Pitch Records)
  • 2011.11.00 (1) / Perelman, Shipp, Parker, Cleaver: Serendipity (Leo Records)
  • 2011.11.00 (2) / Ivo Perelman º Joe Morris º Gerald Cleaver: Family Ties (Leo Records)
  • 2010.01.03 / Ivo Perelman º Joe Morris º Gerald Cleaver: Living Jelly (Leo Records)
  • 2013.04.00 / Ivo Perelman º Joe Morris º Balazs Pandi: One (RareNoise Records)

1983.03.17 • Joe Morris Trio: Wraparound

Riti Records Riti 1001 (LP) 1983

February 28 & March 17, 1983 / Boston Film Video Foundation, Boston, MA
1. Wraparound [14:35]
2. Sweep Out [8:17]
3. Riti #1 [1:05]
4. Solid Flip Topic [21:55]

Joe Morris (guitar, Compositions)
Sebastian Steinberg (bass)
Laurence Cook (drums)

{Primary Source: Riti 1001}

1985.05.11 • Joe Morris Quartet: Graffiti In Two Parts

RogueArt R0G-039 (CD) 2012 France

May 11, 1985 / The Cambridge Dance Center, Cambridge, MA
1. Graffiti Part I [37:22]
2. Graffiti Part II [31:42]
3. Tag [0:53]

Joe Morris (guitar, banjouke)
Lowell Davidson (drums, aluminum acoustic bass)
Malcolm Goldstein (violin)
Lawrence D. "Butch" Morris (cornet)

{Primary Source:;} Not in my collection.

1985.12.00 • Joe Morris Trio: Human Rites

Riti Records Riti 02 & 03 (2LP) 1988

1st session [See also: 86.04.00; 87.12.30]

December, 1985 / 1369 Jazz Club, Cambridge, MA
1. A Heart Don't Bleed If It's Rock [12:24]
2. Human Rites [21:10]
Joe Morris (guitar, Compositions)
Sebastian Steinberg (bass)
Thurman Barker (drums)

{Primary Source: Riti 02 & 03}

1986.04.00 • Joe Morris Trio: Human Rites

Riti Records Riti 02 & 03 (2LP) 1988

2nd session [See also: 85.12.00; 87.12.30]

April, 1986 / CMAC, Cambridge, MA
1. We'll Manage [13:40]
Joe Morris (guitar, Composition)
Sebastian Steinberg (bass)
Thurman Barker (drums)

{Primary Source: Riti 02 & 03}

1987.12.30 • Joe Morris Trio: Human Rites

Riti Records Riti 02 & 03 (2LP) 1988

3rd session [See also: 85.12.00; 86.04.00]

December 30, 1987 / Outpost Studio, Stoughton, MA
1. Last Mile [13:40]
2. Blues & Mathematics
 or, all Bird did was tell the truth [10:13]
3. Grow Up [8:13]
4. The Rub [15:10]
Joe Morris (guitar, Compositions)
Sebastian Steinberg (bass)
Jerry Deupree (drums)

{Primary Source: Riti 02 & 03}

1988.10.01 • Joe Morris Trio: Sweatshop

Riti Records CD1 (CD) 1990

1st session [See also: 89.10.10 & 90.01.15]

September 15 & October 1, 1988 / Outpost Studio, Stoughton, MA
1. Four Pests [7:41]
2. The Oky Doke [5:00]
3. Fit Fit [6:24]
4. Teeming Millions [9:12]
5. World Iz Big [7:16]

Joe Morris (guitar, Compositions)
Sebastian Steinberg (bass)
Jerry Deupree (drums)

{Primary Source: Riti CD1}

1990.01.15 • Joe Morris Trio: Sweatshop

Riti Records CD1 (CD) 1990

2nd session [See also: 88.09.15 & 88.10.01]

October 10, 1989 & January 15, 1990 / Middle East, Cambridge, MA
1. What's What [7:40]
2. Well Put [8:22]
3. Are You Warm Now? [10:27]
4. Slow Learner [7:58]
Joe Morris (guitar, Compositions)
Sebastian Steinberg (bass)
Jerry Deupree (drums)

{Primary Source: Riti CD1}

1991.07.28 • [Various Artists] Joe Morris' Sweatshop: Live at the Knitting Factory, Volume 5

Knitting Factory Records KFWCD-108 (CD) 1991

[This release also includes tracks by Roy Nathanson & Anthony Coleman; Oren Bloedow; Stringfaced; Pere Ubu; 101 Crustaceans; Kazutoki Umezu & Sam Bennett; Expatriate Fantasy (featuring Pheeroan akLaff); and Electric Owthaus]
  • Various Artists: Live at the Knitting Factory Anniversary Boxed Set / Knitting Factory Works KFWCD-12345 (5CD) 1993
July 28, 1991 / Knitting Factory, New York City
1. Slipshod [6:41]

Joe Morris (guitar, Composition)
Sebastian Steinberg (bass)
Jerry Deupree (drums)

{Primary Source: KFWCD-108; KFWCD-12345}

1992.00.00 • Joe Morris Trio: Flip and Spike

Riti Records CD2 (CD) 1992

unknown dates, 1992 / Middle East, Cambridge, MA
1. Contemporary [16:37]
2. Reflexes [10:38]
unknown dates, 1992 / Outpost Studio, Stoughton, MA
1. Flip and Spike [7:44]
2. Itan [14:19]
3. Julianna [2:42]
4. Mnemonic Device
 #1 [0:52]
 #2 [1:31]
 #3 [1:13]
 #4 [1:48]
5. Mombaccus [11:31]

Joe Morris (guitar, Compositions)
Sebastian Steinberg (bass)
Jerry Deupree (drums)

{Primary Source: Riti CD2}

1992.06.28 • Rob Brown º Whit Dickey º Joe Morris: Youniverse

Riti CD3 (CD) 1992

June 28, 1992 / Water Music Studio, Hoboken, NJ
1. Youniverse (Brown) [6:09]
2. Mikro (Brown) [8:24]
3. Kingpin (Brown) [7:17]
4. Imprint 1 (Brown, Dickey, Morris) [11:55]
5. Inside Break (Brown) [5:22]
6. Sonic Film (Brown) [9:06]
7. Imprint 2 (Brown, Dickey, Morris) [9:00]
8. Svengali (Brown) [7:31]

Rob Brown (alto sax)
Whit Dickey (drums)
Joe Morris (electric guitar)

{Primary Source: Riti CD3}

1993.06.12 • Joe Morris Trio: Symbolic Gesture

Soul Note 121204-2 (CD) 1994 IT

June 12, 1993 / The Outpost, Stoughton, MA
1. Invisible [9:07]
2. Lowell's House [14:05]
3. Symbolic Gesture [13:34]
4. Finite / Margin [9:26]
5. The Lookman [7:37]

Joe Morris (guitar, Compositions)
Nate McBride (bass)
Curt Newton (drums)

{Primary Source: Soul Note 121204-2}

1993.06.26 • Joe Morris: Racket Club

About Time AT-1010 (CD) 1998

June 26, 1993 / The Outpost, Stoughton, MA
1. Rumble Strip [8:28]
2. Revolve [9:45]
3. Wedge [6:40]
4. Cellular [6:22]
5. Vapor [11:28]
6. Pointyhead (Parts 1 & 2) [4:49]
7. Instinct [8:00]
8. Slipshod [8:42]

Joe Morris (guitar, Compositions)
Jim Hobbs (alto sax)
Steve Norton (bass)
Nate McBride (electric bass)
Jerome Deupree and Curt Newton (drums)

{Primary Source: AT-1010}

1993.11.09 • Joe Morris & Rob Brown Quartet: Illuminate

Leo Records Leo Lab CD 008 (CD) 1995

November 9, 1993 / Tedesco Studios, Paramus, NJ
1. Results (Morris, Brown, Parker, Krall) [11:52]
2. Illuminate (Morris) [7:11]
3. Inklings (Brown) [23:01]
4. Pivotal (Morris, Brown, Parker, Krall) [11:13]

Joe Morris (guitar)
Rob Brown (alto sax)
William Parker (bass)
Jackson Krall (drums)

{Primary Source: Leo Lab CD 008}

1995.04.07 • Joe Morris: No Vertigo

Leo Records CD LR 226 (CD) 1995

April 7, 1995 / Outpost Studio, Stoughton, MA
  NO VERTIGO (acoustic guitar)
 1. The Hoist [2:47]
 2. Equilibrium [9:39]
 3. Over to me [3:11]
 4. Guideline [0:37]
 5. Balance point [4:38]
 6. THE 17th [4:31]
  THE EDGES (mandolin)
 7. Found in the ground [2:40]
 8. Transit [6:40]
 9. Good view [5:24]
10. FOR ALDOLPHUS MICA (electric guitar) [12:25]
11. LONG CARRY (banjouke) [7:58]
  MONOLOGUE (electric guitar)
12. There's probably no other way [4:45]
13. I know exactly what you mean [5:37]
14. That's the whole point [5:54]

Joe Morris (guitar, mandolin, banjouke, electric guitar, Compositions)

{Primary Source: CD LR 226}

1995.04.10 • Joe Morris Quartet: You Be Me

Soul Note 121304-2 (CD) 1997 ITALY

April 10 , 1995 / The Outpost, Stoughton, MA
1. You Be Me [11:47]
2. Deep Discount [7:16]
3. Transmitter [6:27]
4. The Object of Color [11:48]
5. Real Reason [12:05]
6. Adult Themes [10:11]
7. Glider [6:05]

Joe Morris (electric guitar, Compositions)
Mat Maneri (violin)
Nate McBride (bass)
Curt Newton (drums)

{Primary Source: 121304-2}

1995.11.00 • Maneri º Morris º Maneri: Three Men Walking

ECM Records ECM 1597 78118-21597-2 (CD) 1996

October & November, 1995 / Hardstudios, Winterthur, Germany
 1. Calling (Joe Maneri) [3:13]
 2. What's New (Haggart, Burke) [9:45]
 3. Bird's in the Belfry (Maneri, Morris, Maneri) [6:51]
 4. If Not Now (Joe Morris) [5:02]
 5. Let Me Tell You (Maneri, Morris, Maneri) [2:03]
 6. Through a Glass Darkly (Mat Maneri) [4:57]
 7. Three Men Walking (Maneri, Morris, Maneri) [5:23]
 8. Deep Paths (Maneri, Morris, Maneri) [9:15]
 9. Diuturnal (Joe Maneri) [3:33]
10. Fevered (Maneri, Morris, Maneri) [5:38]
11. Gestalt (Mat Maneri) [2:39]
12. To Anne's Eyes (Joe Morris) [2:06]
13. Arc and Point (Maneri, Morris, Maneri) [5:06]
14. For Josef Schmid (Joe Maneri) [2:09]

Joe Maneri (clarinet, alto sax, tenor sax, piano)
Joe Morris (electric guitar)
Mat Maneri (electric six-string violin)

{Primary Source: ECM 1597 78118-21597-2}

1995.11.05 • Maneri º Morris º Maneri: Out Right Now

hat HUT Records hatOLOGY 561 (CD) 2001 SWZ

November 5, 1995 / Loft Köln, Köln, Germany
1. Some and Then Some [26:31]
2. Spoken Things [8:24]
3. Small Steps in the Right Direction [5:33]
4. Roots Go Deep [9:10]
5. Out Rigth (sic) Now [15:46]
6. Blue Current [7:07]

Joe Maneri (alto sax, tenor sax, piano)
Joe Morris (electric guitar)
Mat Maneri (electric six-string violin)

{Primary Source: hatOLOGY 561}

1996.02.26 • Joe Morris Ensemble: Elsewhere

Homestead Records HMS233-2 (CD) 1996

February 26, 1996 / Sorcerer Sound Studio, New York City
1. Plexus [8:03]
2. Elsewhere [13:58]
3. Cirrus [5:13]
4. Violet [11:37]
5. Mind's Eye [6:16]
6. Rotunda [15:02]

Joe Morris (guitar, Compositions)
Matthew Shipp (piano)
William Parker (bass)
Whit Dickey (drums)

{Primary Source: HMS233-2}

1996.06.00 • Joe Morris º Ken Vandermark º Hans Poppel: Like Rays

Knitting Factory KFR-224 (CD) 1998

June, 1996 / Stephonia Studios, Concord, MA
 1. Photon [1:20]
 2. New Fire [3:06]
 3. Within Reach [5:27]
 4. Like Rays [7:56]
 5. So As To Touch [7:32]
 6. Like Stuff [5:44]
 7. Parlance [4:54]
 8. I Can Live With That [6:22]
 9. Hand Signals [7:39]
10. From Dreams [8:54]
11. Levitate [2:05]

Joe Morris (electric guitar)
Ken Vandermark (clarinet, bass clarinet)
Hans Poppel (piano)

{Primary Source: KFR-224}

1996.06.14 • Hession º Wilkinson º Fell + Morris: Registered Firm

Incus CD33 (CD) 1998 England

June 14, 1996 / The Blizzard Condition, Leeds, England
1. Registered Firm [1:20]
2. Bows and Buttons [13:07]
3. Spaceships Are Crap [4:22]
4. "You Do Mean Groucho Marx, Don't You?" [1:53]
5. The Delius Myth [14:02]
6. "If I've Offended Anyone, I Apologise" [12:35]
7. Piece of Fish [6:07]

Alan Wilkinson (alto sax, bass sax)
Joe Morris (guitar)
Simon H. Fell (bass)
Paul Hession (drums)
[All compositions, collective]

{Primary Source: Incus CD33}

1997.04.00 • Ivo Perelman Duo featuring Joe Morris: Strings

Leo Records CD LR 249 (CD) 1997

October, 1996 & April, 1997 / Systems Two, Brooklyn, NY
 1. Sun Salute, take 1 (Perelman, Morris) [2:03]
 2. Nair's Walk (Perelman, Morris) [3:19]
 3. Tantalizing Imagery (Perelman, Morris) [1:51]
 4. Kraus House (Perelman, Morris) [10:40]
 5. Imperial (Perelman, Morris) [4:18]
 6. Solenoid (Perelman) [1:43]
 7. Neolithic Man (Perelman, Morris) [1:49]
 8. Monsieur P.C. (Perelman) [1:46]
 9. Gist (Perelman, Morris) [3:00]
10. Strings (Perelman, Morris) [8:33]
11. Naive (Perelman, Morris) [4:35]
12. Festa (Perelman, Morris) [7:50]
13. For Bove (Perelman, Morris) [1:24]
14. n. 2 (Perelman, Morris) [2:55]
15. Sun Salute, take 2 (Perelman, Morris) [2:12]

Ivo Perelman (cello, voice)
Joe Morris (guitar)

{Primary Source: CD LR 249}

1997.01.10 • Joe Morris º William Parker: Invisible Weave

No More Records No. 4 (CD) 1997

January 10, 1997 / Knitting Factory, New York City
1. Hypnotext [10:33]
2. Viewer [12:59]
3. Standing Figure [12:30]
4. Spectral [4:22]
5. To the Sensory [7:01]
6. Invisible Weave #1 [16:37]
7. Invisible Weave #2 [11:51]

Joe Morris (guitar)
William Parker (bass)
(All compositions, collective)

{Primary Source: No More No. 4}

1997.01.23 • Matthew Shipp º Joe Morris: Thesis

hat HUT Records hatOLOGY 506 (CD) 1997 SWZ
  • Matthew Shipp: Duos With Mat Maneri & Joe Morris
    hat HUT Records hatOLOGY 696 (CD) 2011 SWZ
    [This disc also has five duo tracks with Shipp & Maneri, re-issued from hatOLOGY 530
January 23, 1997 / Seltzer Sound, New York City
 1. Thesis [4:08]
 2. Fable [5:39]
 3. Simple Relations [3:41]
 4. Particle I [3:43]
 5. The Wand [3:49]
 6. Action and Reaction [5:22]
 7. Center Of [5:33]
 8. The Turnpike [5:35]
 9. For Of "Y" [4:22]
10. Broader Orders [8:01]
11. Particle 2 [4:41]
12. The Middle Region [4:18]
13. Our Journey [4:35]
hatOLOGY 696 has tracks 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11.

Matthew Shipp (piano, Compositions)
Joe Morris (guitar)

{Primary Source: hatOLOGY 506;}

1997.07.06 • Joe Morris Trio: Antennae

AUM Fidelity AUM004 (CD) 1997

July 5 & 6, 1997 / Outpost Studio, Stoughton, MA
1. Synapse [8:17]
2. Antennae [13:21]
3. Silent Treatment [7:35]
4. Stare Into a Lightbulb For Three Years [13:30]
5. Human Pyramid [9:22]
6. Elevator [15:09]
7. Virtual Whatever [6:45]

Joe Morris (guitar, Compositions)
Nate McBride (bass)
Jerome Deupree (drums)

{Primary Source: AUM004}

1998.04.30 • Joe Morris with DKV Trio: Deep Telling

Okkadisk OD12027 (CD) 1999

April 30, 1998 / Uberstudio, Chicago, IL
1. Standing Here [12:15]
2. Bit Tenet duo #1 [4:20]
3. Hollow Curve trio #1 [5:59]
4. Narrative [7:33]
5. Infix duo #2 [3:27]
6. Breathe Easily trio #2 [4:47]
7. To and From the Core trio #3 [3:17]
8. Telling Suite [18:35]

Joe Morris (guitar)
Ken Vandermark (tenor sax)
Kent Kessler (bass)
Hamid Drake (drums)

Okkadisk page for this CD.
{Primary Source: OD12027}

1998.06.26 • Joe Morris Quartet: A Cloud of Blackbirds

AUM Fidelity AUM009 (CD) 1998

June 26, 1998 / PBS Studios, Westwood, MA
1. Threshold (Morris) [10:54]
2. Mesmeric (collective) [8:06]
3. A Cloud of Blackbirds (Morris) [8:48]
4. Emblem (Morris) [8:54]
5. Renascent (collective) [4:07]
6. Radiant Flux (Morris) [9:52]
7. Take Place (collective) [6:34]

Joe Morris (electric guitar)
Mat Maneri (violin)
Chris Lightcap (bass-1,2,3,4,6,7)
Jerome Deupree (drums-1,2,3,4,6,7)

{Primary Source: AUM009}

1999.02.05 • Joe Morris: Many Rings

Knitting Factory KFR-243 (CD) 1999

February 5, 1999 / Knitting Factory Recording Studios, New York City
1. Drawn to the Magnet [5:52]
2. Many Rings [14:25]
3. First Appearance [4:25]
4. Chapel Level [10:35]
5. Motion to the Air [3:28]
6. Situation to Be In [5:15]
7. Small Cycle [11:06]
8. Blue Spots There [7:31]

Joe Morris (guitar, Compositions)
Karen Borca (bassoon)
Rob Brown (alto sax, flute)
Andrea Parkins (accordion, sampler)

{Primary Source: KFR-243}

1999.03.18 • Joe Morris Quartet: Underthru

OmniTone 11904 (CD) 1999
  • Various Artists: OmniTone 2001: An OmniTone Odyssey
    [This sampler also includes tracks by Steve Slagle; M.O.B. Trio; Ron Horton; Frank Kimbrough / Joe Locke; Equal Interest; Michael Bisio; Oscar Noriega's Play Party; Cuong Vu; Lynn Seaton; Tom Varner; Mike Lee; and Marty Ehrlich's Traveler's Tales.]
March 18, 1999 / PBS Studios, Westwood, MA
1. Underthru [16:24]
2. Remarks [14:27]
3. Routine Three [10:18]
4. Two Busses and a Long Walk [14:14]
5. Manipulatives [8:20]
OmniTone 2001 has track 5.

Joe Morris (electric guitar, Compositions)
Mat Maneri (violin, baritone violin)
Chris Lightcap (bass)
Gerald Cleaver (drums)

{Primary Source: OmniTone 11904; OmniTone 2001}

1999.08.17 • Joe Morris + Mat Maneri: [soul search]

AUM Fidelity AUM014 (CD) 2000

August 17, 1999 / Persona Sound, Cambridge, MA
 1. Slight of Hand [8:04]
 2. Adhesive [6:40]
 3. Eyes or Gaze [5:59]
 4. Natural Number [7:57]
 5. Versicolor [7:21]
 6. Soul Search [2:25]
 7. Flyer [5:12]
 8. Micron [3:06]
 9. Forwards and Sideways [7:08]
10. Pluralize [8:25]

Joe Morris (electric guitar)
Mat Maneri (electric violin)
[Compositions, collective]

{Primary Source: AUM014; venue from JAZZIZ Magazine, November 2000}

1999.08.22 • Eugene Chadbourne: Guitar Festival Summer 1999

Leo Records CD/LR 386/397 (2-CD) 2004 UK

[CD386 includes Chadbourne tracks with Jim O'Rourke; David Watson; Loren Connors; Thurston Moore and Dean Roberts; Misha Feigin and Elliott Sharp; Loren Connors (again); Kim Gordon and Jim O'Rourke; and CD397 is a long piece with Chadbourne and Loren Connors, Don Fleming, Alan Licht, Thurston Moore, and Jim O'Rourke]

August 19-22, 1999 / Tonic, New York City
[Untitled Improvised Guitar Pieces]
1. Chadbourne and Joe Morris [6:52]

Eugene Chadbourne and Joe Morris (guitars)

{Primary Source:;}

1999.11.06 • Joe Morris Quartet: at the Old Office

Knitting Factory Records KFR-272 (CD) 2000

November 6, 1999 / The Old Office, The Knitting Factory, New York City
1. Matter of Fact (collective) [20:26]
2. Don't Say Too Much (Morris) [24:00]
3. Coil (Morris) [19:50]
4. Closeout (collective) [10:37]

Joe Morris (electric guitar)
Mat Maneri (viola)
Chris Lightcap (bass)
Gerald Cleaver (drums)

{Primary Source: KFR-272}

1999.11.20 • Whit Dickey: Big Top

Wobbly Rail WOB010 (CD) 2000

November 20, 1999 / Hillside Sound, Englewood, NJ
1. Big Top [7:58]
2. The Prophet [11:22]
3. Skippy [9:53]
4. The Immortals [23:20]

Joe Morris (guitar)
Rob Brown (alto sax, tenor sax, flute)
Chris Lightcap (bass)
Whit Dickey (drums)

{Primary Source: WOB010}

1999.12.14 • Chadbourne º Dresser º Ibarra º Morris: Pain Pen

Avant AVAN 044 (CD) 2000 JAP

December 14, 1999 / Avatar, New York City
 1. Pullpipanpipaino [3:04]
 2. Painlipensiveros [9:54]
 3. Poolialoofair [4:29]
 4. Aposuniulivers [5:11]
 5. Upslinelivveros [7:08]
 6. Loveilairliveros [9:54]
 7. Leinileansveros [12:06]
 8. Oanseeaviears [0:40]
 9. Pallipaleipunop [4:29]
10. Ourlilesiallana [4:59]

Eugene Chadbourne (electric guitar, banjo)
Joe Morris (electric guitar)
Mark Dresser (bass)
Susie Ibarra (drums, perc)

{Primary Source: AVAN 044}

2000.05.10 • Joe Morris: Singularity

AUM Fidelity AUM018 (CD) 2001

May 10, 2000 / Joe's house (before he moved to New Haven), Sharon, MA
 1. light [5:59]
 2. gravity [2:53]
 3. creature [3:46]
 4. shape [3:58]
 5. atmosphere [5:34]
 6. sense [4:50]
 7. liquid [3:24]
 8. dimension [4:23]
 9. flight [5:18]
10. rock [3:55]

Joe Morris (steel-string acoustic guitar, Compositions)

{Primary Source: AUM018}

2000.08.07 • Lantner º Maneri º Morris: Voices Lowered

Leo Records CD LR 317 (CD) 2001 England

August 7, 2000 / WGBH Radio Studio, Boston, MA
1. Dirty Daisies (Lantner, Maneri, Morris) [8:55]
2. Calling (Lantner, Maneri) [11:09]
3. Dig In (Lantner, Maneri, Morris) [9:56]
4. What You're Saying (Lantner, Morris) [4:41]
5. Voices Lowered (Lantner, Maneri, Morris) [12:40]
6. To Start... (Lantner) [3:46]
7. On the Way (Lantner) [3:36]
8. Hangin' In the Garden (Lantner, Maneri, Morris) [8:26]

Steven Lantner (piano)
Joe Maneri (alto sax, tenor sax)
Joe Morris (electric guitar)

{Primary Source: CD LR 317}

2001.12.09 • Steve Lantner Trio: Saying So

Riti Records RITI CD 005 (CD) 2002

December 9, 2001 / PBS Studios, Westwood, MA
1. Saying So [11:38]
2. Once Through [7:26]
3. Jangle [13:49]
4. Under the Sun [29:31]

Steve Lantner (piano)
Joe Morris (bass)
Laurence Cook (drums)
[Compositions, collective]

{Primary Source: RITI CD 005}

2001.12.12 • William Parker º Joe Morris º Hamid Drake: Eloping with the Sun

Riti Records RITI CD 007 (CD) 2002

December 12, 2001 / AUM HQ, Brooklyn, NY
1. Sand Choir [7:59]
2. Dawn Son [2:04]
3. Hop-Kin [16:49]
4. Stepdance [12:53]
5. Dream [15:48]

Joe Morris (banjo, banjouke)
William Parker (zinitr)
Hamid Drake (frame drum)
[Compositions, collective]

{Primary Source: RITI CD 007}

2002.01.20 • Joe Morris: Age of Everything

Riti Records RITI CD 004 (CD) 2002

January 20, 2002 / Riti Studios, Guilford, CT
1. Tree Branch [11:43]
2. Way In [15:10]
3. Age of Everything [11:25]
4. Telepathy [14:47]

Joe Morris (guitar, Compositions)
Timo Shanko (bass)
Luther Gray (drums)

{Primary Source: RITI CD 004}

2002.02.17 • Whit Dickey: Trio Ahxoloxha

Riti Records RITI CD 006 (CD) 2002

February 17, 2002 / Roulette, New York City
1. The Word on the Street [8:49]
2. Prophet Moon [18:39]
3. Trial by Fire [7:15]
4. Riptide [14:46]
5. Telling Moment [4:46]

Joe Morris (guitar)
Rob Brown (alto sax)
Whit Dickey (drums, Compositions)

{Primary Source: RITI CD 006}

2002.11.17 • Daniel Levin Quartet: Don't Go It Alone

Riti Records RITI CD9 (CD) 2003

November 17, 2002 / Roulette Studios, New York City
 1. Unfortunate Situation [7:00]
 2. Underground [5:40]
 3. 17th Street [5:26]
 4. In Parts [7:42]
 5. Interlude [4:24]
 6. Non-Sense [2:50]
 7. Sad Song [5:59]
 8. Nervous [4:50]
 9. Fleeting [2:54]
10. Bronx #2 [6:04]

Daniel Levin (cello, Compositions)
Mat Moran (vibraphone)
Dave Ballou (cornet)
Joe Morris (bass)

{Primary Source:}

2003.02.00 • Skull Session: Rise Above

Skycap Records CAP 010 (CD) 2004 Germany

February, 2003 / Echobass Studios, Newton, MA

"...from two studio sessions recorded in the early spring of 2003..."
1. Roshamatod [5:48]
2. Ochre Moon [8:25]
3. Genius Syndrome [7:06]
4. Downward Chop [11:39]
5. You In Mind [10:02]
6. Open [8:09]
7. Rind [10:55]

Jeff Platz (guitar)
Timo Shanko (tenor sax)
Scott Getchell (trumpet)
Joe Morris (bass)
Luther Gray (drums)

{Primary Source:;}

2003.02.08 • Whit Dickey Quartet: Coalescence

Clean Feed Records CF021CD (CD) 2004 Portugal

February 8, 2003 / Strobe Sound Studio, Brooklyn, NY
1. Mojo Rising [12:08]
2. Coalescence 1 [11:22]
3. Steam [8:24]
4. Coalescence 2 [13:10]

Rob Brown (alto saxophone, flute)
Roy Campbell (trumpet)
Joe Morris (bass)
Whit Dickey (drums)

{Primary Source:}

2003.02.16 • Stone House: Likewise

Riti Records RITI CD8 (CD) 2003

February 15 and16, 2003 / Riti Studios, Guilford, CT
1. Meet Me in Another Reality [7:46]
2. Likewise [12:07]
3. Emotion of Space [11:09]
4. Turning [6:33]
5. Lifelike [10:03]
6. Ground Truth [8:15]
7. Open Oblique [13:27]

Rob Brown (alto saxophone, flute)
Joe Morris (bass)
Luther Gray (drums)

{Primary Source:}

2003.08.08 • Dennis González Boston Project: No Photograph Available

Clean Feed Records CF057CD (CD) 2006 Portugal

August 8, 2003 / Artists-At-Large Gallery, Hyde Park, MA
1. Primate [12:43]
2. Old Time Revival—Part I [13:42]
3. The Matter At Hand [16:41]
4. Hymn for Julius Hemphill [10:30]
5. Constrictor (Old Time Revival—Part II) [10:07]
"On his way to New York, where [Gonzalez] had a gig the following day, he wanted to stop in Boston and play there with local musicians, so he sent some messages through his chat list asking for contacts of people he didn't already know and for availability of the ones he did. Soon the group formed itself, with Nate McBride and Joe Morris playing the two double basses, Charlie Kohlhase on the saxophones, and Croix Galipault, a stunning 19-year-old drummer, and a student of Morris's, keeping the sticks." —

Dennis González (C and B-flat trumpets)
Charlie Kohlhase (alto, tenor, and baritone sax)
Nate McBride and Joe Morris (bass)
Croix Galipault (drums)

{Primary Source:;}

2003.10.18 • Dennis Gonzalez: Songs Of Early Autumn

NoBusiness Records NBCD6 (CD) 2009 Lithuania

October 18, 2003 / Riti Studios, Guilford, CT
1. Loft (collective) [9:21]
2. Acceleration (collective) [11:20]
3. Bush Medicine (Gonzalez) [12:17]
4. Idolo (Gonzalez) [10:15]
5. In Tallation (collective) [6:59]
6. Lamentation (collective) [7:47]
7. Those Who Came Before (collective) [15:00]
8. Loyalty (Gonzalez) [5:31]

"Well. I'm heading out this morning to Boston and then to Connecticut for the Gonzalez/Morris/Shanko/Gray recording. Keep postin' and I'll get back with you all Monday night or Tuesday morning. See you on the other side!" —, Friday, Oct 17, 2003

Dennis Gonzalez, from the liner notes: "It's almost a month into autumn, and driving through New England is exhiliarating, as the trees are vivid with color, and fallen leaves line the country lanes along Narragansett Bay and Long Island Sound. This is the first chance I've had to travel since midsummer. A bit of snow falls as I arrive in Guilford, and the temperature has fallen. After playing that August with a quintet that included Joe Morris—the gig is documented on the Clean Feed CD No Photograph Available—he'd suggested that I take a few days to come up to Connecticut to do some playing with him, and maybe do a record while we were at it."

Dennis Gonzalez (C trumpet)
Timo Shanko (tenor sax)
Joe Morris (bass)
Luther Gray (drums)

{Primary Source:;}

2004.00.00 • Steve Lantner Trio: Blue Yonder

Skycap Records CAP 018 (CD) 2005 Germany

2004 ? / unknown venue
1. Blue Yonder [11:42]
2. If It Really Don't [11:10]
3. Three Or Four [9:46]
4. Hold On To [7:54]
5. Long Last [11:09]

Steve Lantner (piano)
Joe Morris (bass)
Luther Gray (drums)

{Primary Source:;}

2004.06.19 • Natural History: Fur

Skycap Records skycap 021 (CD) 2005 Germany

June 19, 2004 / AAL Studios, Boston, MA
1. Fragment Fuel [10:21]
2. Fur [9:45]
3. Flow Field [14:27]
4. Personality Motor [9:46]
5. Things Of That Nature [8:00]

Croix Galipault (tenor sax)
Joe Morris (bass)
Joe Sexton (drums)

{Primary Source:; Jeff DiPerna 12.10.31}

2004.07.13 • Rob Brown Quartet: Radiant Pools

RogueArt R0G-002 (CD) 2005 France

July 13, 2004 / Peter Karl Audio Services Studio, Brooklyn, NY
1. Boxed Set [6:32]
2. Semantics-1 [9:51]
3. Out of the Lurch [5:35]
4. Radiant Pools [7:40]
5. King Cobra [8:48]
6. Semantics-2 [9:27]
7. Swarm Village [9:41]

Rob Brown (alto sax, flute)
Steve Swell (trombone)
Joe Morris (bass)
Luther Gray (drums)

{Primary Source:;} Not in my collection.

04.10.15 • Joe Morris Quartet: Beautiful Existence

Clean Feed Records CF050CD (CD) 2005 Portugal

October 15, 2004 / PKRS, Brooklyn, NY
1. Smear Spring [6:29]
2. Some Good [9:27]
3. Knew Something [9:26]
4. Real Reason [4:54]
5. King Cobra [9:22]
6. Beautiful Existence [12:01]

Joe Morris (guitar, Compositions)
Jim Hobbs (alto sax)
Timo Shanko (bass)
Luther Gray (drums)

{Primary Source:;}

2004.11.10 • Whit Dickey Ensemble: Sacred Ground

Clean Feed Records CF057CD (CD) 2006 Portugal

November 10, 2004 / Peter Karl Studio, Brooklyn, NY
1. Vortex [7:14]
2. Soldier of Uncertainty [12:08]
3. Sacred Ground [8:38]
4. Vital Transmission [11:18]
5. Dream of Caravans [7:08]

Joe Morris (guitar)
Rob Brown (alto sax)
Roy Campbell Jr. (trumpet)
Whit Dickey (drums)

{Primary Source:;}

2004.11.11 • Whit Dickey Ensemble: In a Heartbeat

Clean Feed Records CF037CD (CD) 2005 Portugal

November 11, 2004 / Avatar Studios, New York City
1. Calls [11:14]
2. In A Heartbeat [15:26]
3. Peace Overture [9:46]
4. Dubya's Flying Lesson [13:08]
5. Democracy at Home [11:59]

Joe Morris (guitar)
Rob Brown (alto sax)
Roy Campbell Jr. (trumpet)
Chris Lightcap (bass)
Whit Dickey (drums)

{Primary Source:}

2005.03.27 • Daniel Levin Quartet: Some Trees

Hat hut hatOLOGY 632 (CD) 2006 Switzerland

March 27, 2005 / Roulette Intermedium, New York City
1. It's For You (Levin) [4:54]
2. Out To Lunch (Eric Dolphy) [4:50]
3. Some Trees (Levin) [8:09]
4. Sitting On His Hands (Levin) [5:39]
5. Zolowski (Levin) [6:43]
6. Wild Palms (Levin) [7:15]
7. Wickets (Steve Lacy) [5:23]
8. Morning Song (Ornette Coleman) [7:03]

Daniel Levin (cello)
Nate Wooley (trumpet)
Matt Moran (vibraphone tracks 1 to 7)
Joe Morris (bass)

{Primary Source:;}

2005.12.11 • Steve Lantner Trio: What you can throw

Hat hut Hatology 641 (CD) 2007 Switzerland

December 11, 2005 / Firehouse 12, New Haven, CT
1. New Routine (Morris) [11:33]
2. What You Can Throw (Lantner) [11:53]
3. Composition 23J (Anthony Braxton) [7:28]
4. All Around (Lantner) [14:17]
5. Broken Shadows (Ornette Coleman) [10:03]

Steve Lantner (piano)
Joe Morris (bass)
Luther Gray (drums)

{Primary Source:;}

2005.12.00 • Steve Lantner Quartet: Paradise Road

Skycap Records CAP 028 (CD) 2006 Germany

December, 2005 / Skycap Arts Festival, Cambridge, MA
1. Shaking Hand [22:02]
2. Barrelhouse [13:22]
3. Two Step [20:48]

Steve Lantner (piano)
Allan Chase (reeds)
Joe Morris (bass)
Luther Gray (drums)

{Primary Source: various obscure web sources}

2006.01.05 • Right Hemisphere: Right Hemisphere

Rogueart ROG-0013 (CD) 2008 France

January 5, 2006 / Leon Lee Dorsey Studio, New York City
 1. Right Hemisphere (collective) [3:22]
 2. You Rang (collective) [4:31 ]
 3. Bubbles (Morris, Brown, Dickey) [3:33]
 4. Ice (collective) [3:39]
 5. Hyperspace (collective) [2:12]
 6. Dice (Morris, Shipp, Dickey) [5:14]
 7. Incremental (collective) [5:45]
 8. Falling In (Morris, Brown, Dickey) [5:59]
 9. The Sweet Science (Shipp) [1:44]
10. Lava (collective) [8:41]
11. Red In Gray (collective) [9:06]

Matthew Shipp (piano)
Rob Brown (alto sax)
Joe Morris (bass)
Whit Dickey (drums)

{Primary Source:}

2006.01.12 • Morris, Vandermark, Gray: Rebus

Clean Feed CF083CD (CD) 2007 Portugal

January 12, 2006 / Firehouse 12, New Haven, CT
1. Rebus, Pt. 1 [10:36]
2. Rebus, Pt. 2 [10:02]
3. Rebus, Pt. 3 [5:37]
4. Rebus, Pt. 4 [5:44]
5. Rebus, Pt. 5 [12:48]
6. Rebus, Pt. 6 [12:58]

Joe Morris (guitar, Compositions)
Ken Vandermark (tenor sax)
Luther Gray (drums)

{Primary Source:;}

2006.05.03 • Golia, Josephson, Kaiser, Keneally, Morris, Smith, Walter: Healing Force—The Songs Of Albert Ayler

Cuneiform Records Rune 255 (CD) 2007

May 3, 2006 / Fantasy Studios, Berkeley, CA
1. New New Grass / Message From Albert [3:21]
2. Music Is The Healing Force Of The Universe [20:09]
3. Japan / Universal Indians [10:51]
4. A Man Is Like A Tree [5:21]
5. Oh! Love Of Life [12:25]
6. Thank God For Women [5:37]
7. Heart Love [6:17]
8. New Generation [9:31]
9. New Ghosts / New Message [5:20]

Vinny Golia (reeds)
Mike Keneally (piano, guitar, voice)
Henry Kaiser (guitar)
Joe Morris (guitar, bass)
Aurora Josephson (voice)
Damon Smith (bass)
Weasel Walter (drums)

{Primary Source:}

2006.06.03 • Daniel Levin Quartet: Blurry

Hat hut hatOLOGY 653 (CD) 2007 Switzerland

June 3, 2006 / Firehouse 12, New Haven, CT
1. Law Years (Ornette Coleman) [6:14]
2. Improvisation II (Levin) [6:51]
3. 209 Willard Street (Levin) [10:42]
4. Cannery Row (Levin) [8:31]
5. Untitled (Levin) [8:13]
6. Relaxin' With Lee (Charlie Parker) [5:19]
7. Sad Song (Levin) [6:30]
8. Blurry (Levin) [7:26]

Daniel Levin (cello)
Nate Wooley (trumpet)
Matt Moran (vibraphone)
Joe Morris (bass)

{Primary Source:;}

2006.06.19 • Joe Morris & Barre Phillips: Elm City Duets

Clean Feed CF 130 (CD) 2008 Portugal

June 19, 2006 / Firehouse 12 Studios, New Haven, CT
1. Got into somethings [15:03]
2. June Song [7:45]
3. Ninth Square [7:15]
4. Normal stuff [11:35]
5. Recite [6:48]
6. Saved stones [6:21]
7. Spirals [7:41]
8. Translate [8:13]

Joe Morris (guitar)
Barre Phillips (bass)

{Primary Source:}

2007.01.07 • Steve Lantner Quartet: Given Live in Münster

HAT HUT Records hatOLOGY 663 (CD) 2008 Switzerland

January 7, 2007 / 21st International Jazzfestival Münster, Städtische Bühnen, Münster, Germany
1. Given, part 1 [12:11]
2. Given, part 2 [3:50]
3. Given, part 3 [9:41]
4. Given, part 4 [3:19]
5. Given, part 5 [13:28]
6. Given, part 6 [4:57]

Steve Lantner (piano)
Allan Chase (alto, baritone, and soprano sax)
Joe Morris (bass)
Laurence Cook (drums)
[Compositions, collective]

{Primary Source:}

2007.01.14 • Lowe, Ho Bynum, Morris, Obeng: The Othertet

Engine Records e028 (CD) 2009

January 14, 2007 / Epaphras Bissell House, East Windsor Hill, CT
1. One Other [14:25]
2. Naptown/Trenton [4:51]
3. Dreamsketch [12:56]
4. Look Below [7:06]
5. Cold Day Clip [13:06]
6. Tet Teo [8:55]
7. Bill's Idea [1:05]

Bill Lowe (bass trombone, tuba)
Taylor Ho Bynum (cornet, flugelhorn)
Joe Morris (bass)
Kwaku Kwaakye Obeng (drums, percussion)

{Primary Source:}

2007.01.31 • Anthony Braxton & Joe Morris: Four Improvisations (Duo) 2007

Clean Feed CF100 (4-CD) 2008 Portugal

July 30 and 31, 2007 / Crowell Auditorium, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT
1. Improvisation 1 [60:14]
2. Improvisation 2 [58:57]
3. Improvisation 3 [61:28]
4. Improvisation 4 [59:29]

Anthony Braxton (sopranino, soptano, alto, C-minor, baritone, bass, and C-flat sax)
Joe Morris (guitars)

{Primary Source: various obscure web sources}

2007.02.03 • Cancura, Morris, Nazary: Fine Objects

Not Two Records MW 809 (CD) 2009 Poland

February 3, 2007 / Riti Studios, Guilford, CT
1. Beautiful Existence [5:46]
2. Rwanda [8:23]
3. My Reverie [6:19]
4. Big Foot [6:10]
5. Flip & Spike [6:16]
6. Gazzelloni [4:12]
7. Folk [4:52]
8. Voice Poetry [11:04]

Peter Cancura (tenor and soprano sax)
Joe Morris (bass)
Jason Nazary (drums)

{Primary Source:}

2007.00.00 • Matthew Shipp Trio: Piano Vortex

Thirsty Ear the blue series 57180 (CD) 2007 Switzerland; Disc Union DUJ-006 (CD) Japan

Spring, 2007 / MPI Studios, New York City
1. Piano Vortex [10:26]
2. Key Swing [3:21]
3. The New Circumstance [9:11]
4. Nooks And Corners [4:10]
5. Sliding Through Space [8:54]
6. Quivering With Speed [6:38]
7. Slips Through The Fingers [3:17]
8. To Vitalize [7:13]

Matthew Shipp (piano, Compositions)
Joe Morris (bass)
Whit Dickey (drums)

{Primary Source:;}

07.06.20 • William Parker & The Little Huey Creative Music Orchestra: Double Sunrise Over Neptune

Aum Fidelity AUM 047CD (CD) 2008

June 20, 2007 / Vision Festival XII, Orensanz Art Center, New York City
1. Morning Mantra [15:09]
2. Lights of Lake George [27:24]
3. O'Neal's Bridge [0:38]
4. Neptune's Mirror [22:40]
"The second set on the first night of Vision Fest 2006 was a world premiere of William Parker's ‘Double Sunrise Over Neptune’ for a large 16-piece orchestra. It was partially marred by sound problems, which were ironed [out] the following day by recording in the same space before the night's festivities resumed. The piece was one long work."

William Parker (double reeds, doso'ngoni, conductor)
Sangeeta Bandyopadhyay (voice)
Lewis Barnes (trumpet)
Rob Brown (alto sax)
Bill Cole (double reeds)
Sabir Mateen (tenor sax, clarinet)
Dave Sewelson (baritone sax)
Jason Kao Hwang, Mazz Swift (violin)
Jessica Pavone (viola)
Shiau-Shu Yu (cello)
Joe Morris (guitar, banjo)
Brahim Frigbane (oud)
Shayna Dulberger (bass)
Hamid Drake, Gerald Cleaver (drums)

{Primary Source: Downtown Music Gallery newsletter 08.02.08}

2007.06.22 • Alexandre Pierrepont & Mike Ladd: Maison Hantee

RogueArt Rog-0017 (CD) 2008 France

June 22, 2007 / Leon Lee Dorsey, NY
 1. Hall [2:23]
 2. Chamber 12 [5:30]
 3. Chamber 3 [1:42]
 4. Chamber 8 [5:09]
 5. Chamber 73 [7:25]
 6. Chamber 22 [5:38]
 7. Antechamber [2:04]
 8. Chamber 20 [7:30]
 9. Chamber 72 [6:52]
10. Chamber 8 [6:58]
11. Chamber 2 [3:57]
12. Chamber 21 [10:30]
13. Corridor [6:40]
"Currents and Undercurrents," a world music rhythm track improvised in a single session by William Parker's guimbri and Hamid Drake's frame drum; it is played on all the tracks, mixed with the other music, [and also] played by the other musicians and recorded later on in different places [between June 2007 and July 2008 in New York, Chicago, and Paris]; "Chamber 8," William Parker plays double bass on this track, with Hamid Drake on drums, and Mike Ladd on vocals. —Michel Dorbon

"...three distinct layers interact on each piece" :::
  • "Inhabitants & Outhabitants," comprising the words and visions of Pierrepont and Ladd, the voice of Stephane Gombert, who declaims Pierrepont's words, and the sound manipulations of French producer Gymkhana.
  • "Currents & Undercurrents," an ebbing and flowing world music rhythm track improvised in a single session by William Parker's guimbri and Hamid Drake's frame drum, which underpins virtually the whole 72 minutes.
  • The extemporized contributions, including the staggering range of "Guests & Ghosts," recorded at different times and places and integrated into the finished construct, in line with Pierrepont and Ladd's conception.

Mike Ladd (voice and words-4, 7, 10 / visions, sound constructor)
Alexandre Pierrepont (voice-1, words-2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12 / visions, sound designer)
Gymkhana (sound manipulator)
Stéphane Gombert (voice-2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12)
William Parker (guimbri-1 through 12)
Hamid Drake (frame drum-1 through 12)

David Murray (tenor saxophone-7)
Evan Parker (soprano saxophone-12)
Roscoe Mitchell (alto saxophone-3)
Matana Roberts (clarinet-9)
Rob Mazurek (cornet and effects-5)
Oscar Pierrepont (voice-13)
Gene Moore, Thurston Moore, Bill Nace (electric guitars-8)
Joe Morris, Jeff Parker (electric guitars-9)
Warren Ellis (violin and loops-6)
Alex Dézé (erratic piano)
Craig Taborn (mini-moog, Wurlitzer, and bent circuit devices-5)
Marguerite Ladd (sampled composition)
Joshua Abrams (mpc, harmonium, guimbri, and percussion-13)
John Moloney (electronics and percussion-8)
William Parker (bass-4)
Hamid Drake (drums-4)

{Primary Source: Michel Dorbon of Rogueart 09.07.19;} Not in my collection.

2007.06.28 • Jim Hobbs, Joe Morris, Luther Gray: The Story of Mankind

Not Two Records MW 793-2 (CD) 2008

June 28, 2007 / unknown venue
1. Then a Genius Bethought Himself of the Use of Fire [8:28]
2. Lost in the Vastness of the Universe [14:54]
3. The Story of Word [11:00]
4. Gunpowder [13:04]
3. Crater []5. The Spreading of the Idea of Pop Sovereignty [13:55]

Jim Hobbs (alto saxophone)
Joe Morris (bass)
Luther Gray (drums)

{Primary Source:}

2007.07.13 • Hamid Drake & Bindu: Blissful

RogueArt ROG-0011 (CD) 2008 France

July 12 and 13, 2007 / Soma Electronic Music Studio, Chicago, IL
1. My Blissful Mother (Drake) [16:19]
2. Playful Dance At Soma (J. Parker, Morris, Abrams, Wm. Parker) [12:20]
3. Visions Of Ma (D. Alexander) [2:33]
4. Supreme Lady Victorious In Battle (Drake) [11:45]
5. Only Longing Of My Soul (Drake) [6:52]
6. There Is Nothing Left But You (D. Alexander, Wm. Parker) [14:07]
7. The Beautiful Names (Drake) [4:36]

Joe Morris (banjo, guitar)
Jeff Parker (guitar)
Dee Alexander (voice)
Josh Abrams (bass, guimbri)
William Parker (bass, guimbri, shenai, xalam doson'ngoni)
Hamid Drake (drums, percussion, frame drum, tabla, bata, voice)
All lyrics excerpted from Mother of the Universe: Visions of the Goddess and Tantric Hymns of Enlightenment, by Lex Hixon

{Primary Source: Rogue Art 11; Michel Dorbon of RogueArt 07.06.15}

2007.11.25 • Simon Fell Ensemble: Positions and Descriptions

Clean Feed CF 230 (CD) 2011 Portugal

November 25, 2007 / Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, UK
1. Movt. I [16:52]
2. Who's The Fat Man? [1:18]
3. Movt. II [4:47]
4. FZ pour PB [6:24]
5. Movt. III [13:00]
6. Graphic Description 4 [3:31]
7. Movt. IV [4:08]
8. Plusieurs Commentaires de PB pour DR [5:36]
9. Movt. V [23:32]

Clark Rundell (conductor)
Jim Denley (piccolo, concert flute, alto flute, bass flute)
Andrew Sparling (Eb clarinet, Bb clarinet, bass clarinet)
Alex Ward (Bb clarinet)
Tim Berne (alto saxophone)
Damien Royannais (baritone saxophone, Eb tubax)
Chris Batchelor (trumpet)
Joby Burgess (tuned percussion, concert percussion)
Rhodri Davies (harps)
Philip Thomas (piano, celesta)
Joe Morris (electric guitar)
Steve Beresford (electronics, conduction)
Mifune Tsuji (violin)
Philip Josep (theremin)
Simon H. Fell (bass, electronics)
Mark Sanders (drums)

{Primary Source:}

2007.12.15 • Joe Morris Bass Quartet: High Definition

Hat Hut Records Hatology 670 (CD) 2008 Switzerland

December 15, 2007 / Firehouse 12, New Havent, CT
1. Skeleton [8:21]
2. Morning Group [8:23]
3. Land Mass [7:50]
4. Topics [6:53]
5. Bearing [4:32]
6. All-In-One [8:14]
7. Super Spot [3:51]
8. The Air Has Color [5:19]

Allan Chase (alto, baritone, and soprano sax)
Taylor Ho Bynum (cornet, flugelhorn, trumpet)
Joe Morris (bass, Compositions)
Luther Gray (drums)

{Primary Source:;}

2008.00.00 • Matthew Shipp Trio: Harmonic Disorder

Thirsty Ear the blue series 571872007 (CD) 2009

unknown date, 2008 / unknown venue
 1. GNG [4:35]
 2. There Will Never Be Another You [3:15]
 3. Harmonic Disorder [5:30]
 4. Someday My Prince Will Come [3:52]
 5. Mel Chi 2 [1:56]
 6. Mr. JM [4:34]
 7. Mel Chi 1 [1:48]
 8. Roe [5:14]
 9. Orb [3:17]
10. Compost [4:06]
11. Zo Number 2 [6:19]
12. Quantum Waves [4:54]
13. Light [3:01]
14. When the Curtain Falls on the Jazz Theater [2:38]

Matthew Shipp (piano)
Joe Morris (bass)
Whit Dickey (drums)

{Primary Source: various obscure web sources}

2008.00.00 (2) • Melée + Joe Morris: Cloud Atlas Quartet

Editions Brokenresearch brlp031 (LP, Edition of 200 hand-numbered copies in pro-printed sleeves) 2009

unknown date, 2008 / unknown venue
1. untitled []
2. untitled []

Joe Morris (electric guitar)
Nate Wooley (trumpet)
Hans Buetow (cello)
Ben Hall (percussion)

{Primary Source: various obscure web sources}

2008.00.00 (3) • Joe Morris º John Voigt º Tom Plsek: MVP LSD

Riti Records RITI CD10 (CD) 2009

2008 ? / unknown venue
 1. Blue Sky and Blotches [11:06]
 2. Particles [4:32]
 3. Separate Blue X's [2:38]
 4. Gold Drop #2 [3:54]
 5. Orange Cards [4:41]
 6. Index Card #3 [3:47]
 7. Index Card #1 [3:38]
 8. Index Card #2 [2:15]
 9. Double Sheet [16:04]
10. Gold Triptych [6:24]
11. Gold Drop #1 [4:23]

Joe Morris (guitar)
John Voigt (bass)
Tom Plsek (trombone)
(All compositions by Lowell Skinner Davidson, except Particles by Morris, Voigt, Plsek)

{Primary Source:}

2008.01.31 • Matthew Shipp Quartet: Cosmic Suite

Not Two Records MW 798-2 (CD) 2008 Poland

January 31, 2008 / Leon Lee Dorsey Studio, New York City
1. Cosmic Suite Part 1 [10:30]
2. Cosmic Suite Part 2 [3:20]
3. Cosmic Suite Part 3 [7:55]
4. Cosmic Suite Part 4 [7:10]
5. Cosmic Suite Part 5 [6:37]
6. Cosmic Suite Part 6 [6:41]
7. Cosmic Suite Part 7 [4:34]
8. Cosmic Suite Part 8 [8:28]
9. Cosmic Suite Part 9 [6:25]

Matthew Shipp (piano)
Daniel Carter (reeds)
Joe Morris (bass)
Whit Dickey (drums)

{Primary Source: various obscure web sources}

2008.03.16 • Joe Morris: Wildlife

Aum Fidelity AUM 056CD (CD) 2009

March 16, 2008 / Riti Studios, Guilford, CT
1. Geomantic [13:35]
2. Thicket [19:21]
3. Crow [10:06]
4. Nettle [13:34]

Petr Cancura (tenor and alto sax)
Joe Morris (bass)
Luther Gray (drums)

{Primary Source:}

2008.03.23 • Joe Morris: Atmosphere

KMB Jazz KMB018 (CD) 2009

March 23, 2008 / Riti Studios, Guilford, CT
 1. Atmosphere One [5:58]
 2. Atmosphere Two [4:25]
 3. Atmosphere Three [[6:47]
 4. Atmosphere Four [7:29]
 5. Atmosphere Five [6:57]
 6. Atmosphere Six [7:23]
 7. Atmosphere Seven [4:16]
 8. Atmosphere Eight [4:27]
 9. Atmosphere Nine [8:46]
10. Atmosphere Ten [5:13]

Joe Morris (banjo, banjouke)
{Primary Source:}

2008.05.09 • David S. Ware: Shakti

AUM Fidelity AUM052 (CD) 2008

May 9, 2008 / Systems Two Studio, Brooklyn, NY
1. Crossing Samsara [9:39]
2. Nataraj [18:10]
3. Reflection [12:38]
4. Namah [8:27]
5. Antidromic [9:26]
6. Shakti [9:33]
 a) Durga
 b) Devi
 c) Kali

David S. Ware (tenor sax, kalimba-4)
Joe Morris (guitar, percussion-4)
William Parker (bass)
Warren Smith (drums)

{Primary Source: AUM052; Steven Joerg}

2008.05.18 • Morris, Fell, Ward: The Necessary and the Possible

Victo VICTO 116CD (CD) 2009 Canada

May 18, 2008 / 25th Festival International of Musique Actuelle, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
1. Improviseront [18:38]
2. Auront Improvisé [19:12]
3. Improvisaient [12:11]
4. Improvisérent [6:27]
5. Eurent ImprovisÉ [3:31]

Joe Morris (acoustic guitar)
Simon H. Fell (bass)
Alex Ward (clarinet)

{Primary Source:}

2008.08.13 • Joe Morris & Nate Wooley: Tooth And Nail

Clean Feed Records CF 190 (CD) 2010 Portugal

August 13th, 2008 / Roulette Intermedia, New York City
1. Metronorth [7:16]
2. Gigantica [8:22]
3. Steelhead [4:35]
4. Noble Reasoning [5:23]
5. Forrest Grove [7:32]
6. Barberchaired [6:31]
7. Hook in Cheek [8:04]
8. A Terriffic Snag [6:34]

Joe Morris (acoustic guitar)
Nate Wooley (trumpet)

{Primary Source:}

2008.10.04 • Flow Trio: Rejuvenation

ESP Records ESP 4052 (CD) 2009

October 4, 2008 / Context Studios, Brooklyn, NY
1. Reflection [3:41]
2. Slow Cab [6:13]
3. Pick Up Sticks [9:54]
4. Two Acts [8:18]
5. Succor [5:39]
6. Unfolding [5:41]
7. Rejuvenation [6:36]

Louie Belogenis (tenor sax)
Joe Morris (bass)
Charles Downs (drums)

{Primary Source:}

2008.11.23 • Noah Kaplan Quartet: Descendants

HAT HUT Records Hatology 688 (CD) 2011 Switzerland

November 23, 2008 / Firehouse 12, New Haven, CT
1. Pendulum Music [4:53]
2. Descent [12:03]
3. Esther [6:24]
4. Rat Man [4:53]
5. Wolves [11:13]
6. Untitled [9:04]

Noah Kaplan (tenor and soprano sax)
Joe Morris (guitar)
Giacomo Merega (electric bass)
Jason Nazary (drums)

{Primary Source:}

2009.00.00 • Joe Morris, Chris Riggs, Ben Hall: Glass Key

Broken Research / You Are Your Only Machine YAYO001LP (LP, Limited edition of 350 copies, cardboard sleeve with no labels) 2010

unknown date, 2009 / maybe Riti studios, Guilford, CT
1. glass key (1) [12:10]
2. glass key (2) [13:30]

Chris Riggs and Joe Morris (electric guitar)
Ben Hall (drums)

{Primary Source:;}

2009.04.07 • Joe Morris & Luther Gray: Creatures

Not Two Records MW840-2 (CD) 2010 Poland

April 7, 2009 / Kimchi Studios, Cambridge, M
1. Creature Emotion [11:36]
2. Creature Adventure [9:57]
3. Creature Proportion [7:44]
4. Creature Influence [7:44]
5. Creature Outlook [14:37]

Joe Morris (guitar)
Luther Gray (drums)

{Primary Source:}

2009.04.24 • Flow Trio: Set Theory, Live at the Stone

Ayler Records AYLCD-107 (CD) 2011 Sweden

April 24, 2009 / The Stone, New York City
1. Track 01 [29:46]
2. Track 02 [17:46]
3. Track 03 [7:22]

Louie Belogenis (tenor and soprano sax)
Joe Morris (bass)
Charles Downs (drums)

{Primary Source:}

2009.05.12 • Joe Morris: Colorfield

ESP Records ESP 4056 (CD) 2009

May 12, 2009 / 7A West Studios, Charlestown, MA
1. Transparent [6:52]
2. Silver Sun [13:42]
3. Purple Distant [13:39]
4. 4. Bell Orange Curves [15:53]

Joe Morris (guitar)
Steve Lantner (piano)
Luther Gray (drums)

{Primary Source:}

2009.06.17 • Joe Morris Quartet: Today On Earth

Aum Fidelity AUM 058CD (CD) 2009

June 17, 2009 / 7A West Studios, Charlestown, MA
1. Backbone [10:47]
2. Animal [8:42]
3. Today On Earth [10:53]
4. Observer [11:42]
5. Embarrassment Of Riches [6:49]
6. Ashes [7:53]
7. Imaginary Solutions [10:34]

Joe Morris (guitar)
Jim Hobbs (alto sax)
Timo Shanko (bass)
Luther Gray (drums)

{Primary Source:}

2009.07.26 • M. Allen, M. Shipp, J. Morris: Night Logic

RogueArt ROH-0028 (CD) 2010 France

July 26, 2009 / Roulette, New York City
 1. Ark Of The Harmonic Covenant [5:44]
 2. Bow In The Cloud [8:08]
 3. Night Logic [8:07]
 4. Heart Aura [4:15]
 5. Star Dust Splatter [9:44]
 6. Cosmic Hammer [6:29]
 7. Particle Physics [7:56]
 8. Hamonic Quanta [8:14]
 9. New Age For The Milk Sea Nightmare [9:48]
10. Res X [2:07]

Marshall Allen (alto sax, flute, EVI ... "electronic valve instrument")
Mathew Shipp (piano)
Joe Morris (bass)

{Primary Source:;}

2009.08.08 • Ramon Lopez Freedom NOW Septet: Valencia

Xàbia Jazz xabiajazz 008 (CD) 2010 Spain

August 7 and 8, 2009 / Conservatori Municipal José Iturbi, Valencia, Spain
 1. Alacant [2:21]
 2. Cos i ànima [7:23]
 3. Bullirà el mar [2:30]
 4. Els xiquets [1:36]
 5. Misteri [6:33]
 6. Horitzó [3:10]
 7. Llum i vent [3:08]
 8. Llotja de la seda [9:36]
 9. Cova del Bolomor [5:09]
10. Xàbia [2:44]
11. fets d'amor [2:50]
12. Sis poemes [5:46]
13. Cançó de comiat [1:40]

Ramon Lopez (drums, Compositions)
Herb Robertson (trumpet)
Ivo Perelman (tenor sax)
Joe Morris (guitar)
Agusti Fernandez (piano)
and Barry Guy (bass)

{Primary Source:}

2009.11.01 • Bevan, Morris, Buck, Lash: Tony-Joe Bucklash

Foghorn Records FOGCD016 (CD) 2012 UK

November 1, 2009 / The Rising Sun, Reading, England
1. Out of the Rising Sun [35:28]
2. Into the Rising Sun [14:12]

Tony Bevan (soprano, tenor, and bass sax)
Joe Morris (electric guitar)
Dominic Lash (bass)
Tony Buck (drums)

{Primary Source:}

2009.11.11 • Taylor Ho Bynum, Joe Morris, Sara Schoenbeck: Next

Porter Records POR 4058 (CD) 2011

November 11, 2009 / Systems Two, Brooklyn, NY
1. Glacial (Memory) [8:00]
2. Fireside [4:59]
3. Small Footprints Of Unidentified Creatures [7:15]
4. Consensus Struggle [10:14]
5. Therefore (Three) [4:23]
6. Next [11:48]

Taylor Ho Bynum (cornet, flugelhorn, bass, piccolo trumpets)
Joe Morris (guitar)
Sara Schoenbeck-bassoon

{Primary Source:}

2010.01.03 • Stephen Haynes Trio: Parrhesia

Engine Records e033 (CD) 2010

January 3, 2010 / Metrosonic Studios, Brooklyn, NY
1. Reclamation [7:29]
2. Quietude [7:17]
3. Invocation [9:58]
4. Flowers For Ida [3:06]
5. St. Louis Sonority [7:11]
6. Yet And Still [7:54]
7. Unfolding [8:30]

Joe Morris (electric guitar)
Steven Haynes (trumpet, cornet, flugelhorn, mutes)
Warren Smith (drums, percussion, marimba, voice)

{Primary Source:}

10.02.13 • Joe Morris: Sensor

No Business Records NBLP 27 (LP, Limited edition vinyl-only, 300 copies) 2010 Lithuania

February 13, 2010 / Riti studios, Guilford, CT
1. Sensor I [:]
2. Sensor II [:]
3. Sensor III [:]
4. Sensor IV [:]
5. Sensor V [:]
6. Sensor VI [:]
7. Sensor VII [:]
"...around 35 minutes."

Joe Morris (bass, Compositions)

{Primary Source:}

2010.02.17 • Matthew Shipp & Joe Morris: Broken Partials

Not Two Records MW 851-2 (CD) 2011 Poland February 17, 2010 / Roulette Studio, New York City
1. Broken Partials—One [9:00]
2. Broken Partials—Two [9:37]
3. Broken Partials—Three [9:49]
4. Broken Partials—Four [7:42]
5. Broken Partials—Five [4:43]
6. Broken Partials—Six [6:09]
7. Broken Partials—Seven [5:35]
8. Broken Partials—Eight [9:32]

Matthew Shipp (piano)
Joe Morris (bass)

{Primary Source:}

2010.04.03 • Joe Morris: Camera

ESP Records ESPDISK 4063CD (CD) 2010

April 3, 2010 / Phillips Academy in Andover, MA
1. Person In A Place [9:38]
2. Street Scene [7:28]
3. Angle Of Incidence [6:43]
4. Evocative Shadow [8:04]
5. Patterns On Faces [8:47]
6. Reflected Object. [9:41]

Joe Morris (guitar)
Katt Hernandez (violin)
Junko Fujiwara Simons (cello)
Luther Gray (drums)

{Primary Source:}

2010.09.20 • Ivo Perelman Quartet: The Hour of the Star

Leo Records LEO 605 (CD) 2011 UK

September 20, 2010 / Parkwest Studios, Brooklyn, NY
1. A Tearful Tale [13:50]
2. Singing The Blues [8:08]
3. The Hour Of The Star [13:57]
4. The Right To Protest [4:43]
5. As For The Future [10:45]
6. Whistling In The Dark Wind [9:57]

Ivo Perelman (tenor sax)
Matthew Shipp (piano)
Joe Morris (bass)
Gerald Cleaver (drums)

{Primary Source:}

2010.10.20 • Joe Morris & Augusti Fernandez: Ambrosia

Riti Records RITI CD11 (CD) 2011

October 20, 2010 / Firehouse 12 Studios, New Haven, CT
1. Ambrosia 1 [12:41]
2. Ambrosia 2 [6:34]
3. Ambrosia 3 [10:43]
4. Ambrosia 4 [9:21]
5. Ambrosia 5 [8:05]
6. Ambrosia 6 [8:42]

Joe Morris (guitar)
Augusti Fernandez (piano)

{Primary Source:}

2010.10.24 • Joe Morris, Petr Cancura, Luther Gray: Traits

Riti Records RITI 012CD (CD) 2011

October 24, 2010 / Riti Studios, Guilford, CT
1. Howlin' [9:24]
2. Tracking [13:02]
3. Coloration [6:53]
4. Game [12:33]
5. Display [10:10]
6. Territorial [14:00]

Petr Cancura (tenor sax)
Jim Hobbs (alto saxophone)
Joe Morris (bass)
Luther Gray (drums)

{Primary Source:}

2011.05.22 • Didier Petit & Alexandre Pierrepont: Passages, A Road Record—Woodstock, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles

RogueArt Rog-0042 (CD) 2012 France

[This disc also includes tracks with Petit and Pierrepont + [in New York] Andrea Parkins, Gerald Cleaver / [in Chicago] Jim Baker; Nicole Mitchell; Hal Rammel; Hamid Drake and Michael Zerang / [in Los Angeles] François Houle; Michael Dessen; Larry Ochs; Kamau Daáood and Larry Ochs / [in Woodstock] Marilyn Crispell]

May 22, 2011 / Leon Dorsey Studio, New York City
1. l'alphabet de leur rayures [4:46]

Didier Petit (cello, voice)
Alexandre Pierrepont (poetic serial, voice)
Matt Bauder (tenor sax)
Joe Morris (guitar)

{Primary Source:}

2011.06.17 • Joe Morris º William Parker º Gerald Cleaver: Altitude

AUM Fidelity AUM073 (CD) 2012

June 17, 2011, 8:00 & 10:00pm / "AUMFidelity at The Stone, curated by Steven Joerg" The Stone, New York City
1. Exosphere [26:22]
2. Thermosphere [25:22]
3. Troposphere [12:04]
4. Mesosphere [8:39]

Joe Morris (guitar)
William Parker (bass)
Gerald Cleaver (drums)

{Primary Source:} Not in my collection.

2011.07.00 • Ingebrigt Hâker Flaten NY Quartet: Now Is

Clean Feed CF263CD (CD) 2012 Portugal

July, 2011 / Park West Studios, Brooklyn, NY
1. Port [2:37]
2. Times [3:53]
3. Pent [9:21]
4. Knicks [3:41]
5. Giants [4:49]
6. As If [6:24]
7. Rangers [5:46]
8. Post [2:09]

"...a July 2011 studio recording made right before the same quartet played at The Stone." [on 2011.07.12]

Ingebrigt Hâker Flaten (bass)
Joe McPhee (tenor sax)
Joe Morris (guitar)
Nate Wooley (trumpet)

{Primary Source:;}

2011.07.14 • Joe Morris, Agustí Fernandez, Nate Wooley: From The Discrete To The Particular

Relative Pitch Records RPR1008 (CD) 2012

July 14, 2011 / Firehouse 12, New Haven, CT
1. Automatos [10:50]
2. As Expected [6:56]
3. Bilocation [6:30]
4. Hieratic [11:34]
5. Membrane [4:35]
6. That Mountain [3:25]
7. Chums Of Chance [11:20]

Joe Morris (guitar)
Agustí Fernandez (piano)
Nate Wooley (trumpet)

{Primary Source: DMG 12.11.23;}

2011.11.00 (1) • Perelman, Shipp, Parker, Cleaver: Serendipity

Leo Records CD-LR 668 (CD) 2013 UK

November, 2011 / Park West Studios, Brooklyn, NY
1. Serendipity [43:08]

"...a studio session intended as a trio with drummer Cleaver and pianist Shipp, but from a scheduling mixup, serendipitously evolved into a quartet with the addition of William Parker on bass."

Ivo Perelman (tenor sax)
Matthew Shipp (piano)
William Parker (bass)
Gerald Cleaver (drums)

{Primary Source:} Not in my collection.

2011.11.00 (2) • Ivo Perelman º Joe Morris º Gerald Cleaver: Family Ties

Leo Records CD LR 630 (CD) 2012 UK

November, 2011 / Parkwest Studios, Brooklyn, NY
1. Family ties [16:10]
2. The imitation of the rose [7:30]
3. Love [24:57]
4. Preciousness [7:45]
5. Mystery in Sao Christovao [10:50]
6. The buffalo [7:56]

Ivo Perelman (tenor sax, kazoo, mouthpiece)
Joe Morris (bass)
Gerald Cleaver (drums)

{Primary Source: CD LR 630}

2011.12.00 • Ivo Perelman º Joe Morris º Gerald Cleaver: Living Jelly

Leo Records LEO 656 (CD) 2012 UK

December, 2011 / Parkwest Studios, Brooklyn, NY
1. In Pursuit Of Pleasure [8:25]
2. Playing With Mercury [11:28]
3. The Sloth [9:18]
4. Enigma [11:51]
5. Living Jelly [9:39]

Ivo Perelman (tenor sax)
Joe Morris (guitar)
Gerald Cleaver (drums)

{Primary Source:}

2013.04.00 • Ivo Perelman º Joe Morris º Balazs Pandi: One

RareNoise Records rnr034-1 (180gm LP), rnr034-2 (CD), (Combo—180gm LP + CD Digipack + .flac + .mp3) 2012 UK

April, 2013 / Park West Studios, Brooklyn, NY
1. Freedom [5:59]
2. What Love Can Lead To [4:52]
3. To Remember What Never Existed [7:14]
4. One [7:48]
5. Universal Truth [9:25]
6. Stigma [17:10]

"...April 16, 2013 the pre-eminent free-jazz saxophone player of our times, Ivo Perelman, comes down to The Stone, John Zorn's experimental music club on Manhattan's Lower East Side, to hear [Pandi] play with Slobber Pup, a thunderously intense band featuring Morris on distortion-laced guitar, Trevor Dunn on electric bass, and Jamie Saft on keyboards. week later [these] three risk-taking musicians enter Ivo Perelman's studio..."

Ivo Perelman (tenor sax)
Joe Morris ((electric bass)
Balazs Pandi (drums)

{Primary Source:}

Looking for the following details :::

Human Rites (Riti Records LP) / Anyone have a good cover image?

Steve Lantner Trio: Blue Yonder (Skycap Records) / Date, Venue, and City

Steve Lantner Quartet: Paradise Road (Skycap Records) / Venue and City

Joe Morris, Chris Riggs, Ben Hall: Glass Key (Broken Research LP) / Date, Venue, and City

Joe Morris: Sensor (No Business Records) / Track times

Matthew Shipp Trio: Harmonic Disorder (Thirsty Ear) / Date, Venue, and City

Melee + Joe Morris: Cloud Atlas Quartet (Broken Research) / Date and Venue

Joe Morris, John Voigt, Tom Plsek: MVP LSD Riti Records) / Venue and City


Original instances of assistance, direction, and encouragement came from
the following gracious individuals—

  • Alan Kayser, for helping with the seeds of this document.
  • Mr. Joe Morris
  • Kevin Frenette

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